Monday 27 February 2017


We are looking for a wife
To be our son’s joy.
But we have criteria
For marriage with our beloved boy.
She must be smart
From educated kin
But putting career before family
That is an unholy sin.
So she must resign immediately
From her occupation
To care for husband and house
- A wife’s true vocation.
She must be adept
In every culinary skill
But also accept her spouse’s judgement
On all cooked meals.
We don’t want a timid bird
In our family tree
Nor a boisterous lout
- That’d shame our ancestry.
She must bear many a child
And treat each as king
But never forget that
Husband is god in all things.
If you can tick every box,
And match our fit,
Then yours is our world

And every freedom in it!

Image result for indian marriage

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