Sahani Gunasekara, 20, is a
Year 2 Economics student at UEA.
So, tell me about Kanyรค London.
Kanyรค London is a contemporary saree brand, the designs are quite westernised and simple.
What made you start up the company?
Since I was 16 I knew I wanted to go into designing and have my own brand. However I ended up doing an economics degree because of my parents so when I started first year of Economics, I realised how I didn't want to end up doing something I didn't have a passion for, so that's why I decided to start Kanyรค London.
What problems did you face at the beginning?
The problems I faced were finding the right resources for my sarees; materials, sewing machines, dummies and being able to keep track of finances.
How did you overcome these obstacles?
Doing a lot of research, asking for samples from different companies and splitting the work with other people. Since I found it hard to keep track of finances, I got someone else to do it for me. Team work helps a lot!
What did you enjoy most about the company?
The thing that I enjoy most about the company is the creativity, having my designs come to real life and then getting a positive reaction from customers.
What are your future plans?
I hope to expand the brand and have a men's line as well.
What advice can you give to prospective entrepreneurs?
The best advice I can give is that you can't do everything yourself. Sometimes it's alright to split up the work, having someone else handle things you're not good at. Plan and research, trial and error are the key words to starting your business. Last but not least, everything takes time, so be patient!